Thursday, May 15, 2008

Comment-GQ on the EQ

I went ahead to check more into this music innovation and I first think its a nice asset to a party, I find it wierd that the cube knows what I want and like. They are advertising this cube as a mind reader of the century, creepy. The aliens are definiatley on earth and they found away into our technology, they are messing with our minds, through music...whoo

Monday, May 12, 2008

DC Beginnings

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Hola, People I Want You To Meet My Girl DC. Me and DC Met Back In 2005, I don't even know if she went to Ohio State at the time but hey, we became friends. I sometimes get confused for me and her are so much alike and not so at the same time. Well one day I was sitting in my dorm and I wanted to do something other than study, when my suitemates suggested we go to a club. Quickly I jumped in and said I really don't go out I am not the club type. Of course everyone wanted me to go, but Domonique don't club she studies, so I cant be out seen with these crazy girls, so what did I do I created an alias. Her name is Destiny Chanel and she started out to be just a name I told random people I didn't want to know my real name especially online but she grew more than that. What separates us is I guess our confidence levels she thinks too much of herself, and feels she can do and be everything and when she goes out everything has to perfect, where I just go with the flow. I am book smart and she is business minded. Oh yeah her hair can get a little out of hand too.

Wow is all I can say. Why don't she tone it down some some people don't need to see all those colors but it is cute. Get back on track knowing getting to know Destiny more each I day, I think working with her will allow me to achieve some of the things I have in mind for the future that's only if her ego don't get the best of her. I want to be the doctor and she once the to be the entertainment journalist. Two different fields, so you already know whom my family wants to follow there dream more. She has big dreams but do I really wanna be a part of those dreams, let me lay here and think.

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Comment - JC and Me

I had to check the site out and I find it just funny some of the answers I received, what kind of person takes time to create something like this.....

Comment- The Lamb Of God

I couldn't agree more, no matter whatever problems i have with myself as well as others I strive each day to hold my head up high and smile in the face of evil, for I make my own decisions, and I have decided to pray, love, and live.

Comment - Creative Community

I think that would be a great idea, I believe alot a people would dig that. A place where everyone can work on there stuff who necessarily not from the same area, genius idea.

Comment - SXOT

I totally agree about how artists do take art further than needed, and that every issue should not have to be presented so serious, I personally like to see things not so straight forward at times, I wish you the best and maybe you can be the one to shut up the critics who think art should only portrayed one way.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Comment for -Year of Hope

I definitely feel about the things most people miss who are in their cars. I ride the bus a lot of places because I am cheap and don't wanna pay for gas, but I notice a lot of the tearing down of buildings of purpose to put up things we don't need any more of such as your fast food restaurants and bars...what is the world going to.

Comment for - My Inner Composition

Since we started these blogs mine seem to grow each and everyday, if you noticed my blog is to spread local artists in Ohio, so my offer to you check it out and let me know if you would be interested in allowing me to help with promotion of your band, I really don't wanna only do hip hop, I want to expand it more definitely as I continue with the start of my website this summer. Let me know, Bye.

Comment for -soyouwannadance Blog

I wish you guys the best of luck because I know what it means to learn something one day and have to perform it the next, that's what makes us artists, were not perfect but can't we fake like we, I'll be at the show thursday what time does it start.

Monday, April 21, 2008


Life has been getting more interesting day by day, as I approach graduation day. What curve balls do I need to continue to duck, we'll see. The daily life of me is such a routine, nothing too outrageous ever happen, but then again I don't put myself at risk to allow such a thing to take place. My main blog summarizes my passion for music in general. Each day I want to do something crazy but never manage because more than likely I need to rush off and do something. I'm am a sad case. When I was younger who would of known I would have been so structured...but hey it had to start somewhere. I wake up each morning asking why me, as I roll out the bed because I'm too tired to lift myself, because I probably only had 3.5 hours asleep the day before, shame. After hoping the shower wakes me up and I administer all the hygiene products for the day, I walk to my radio and turn on a cd that will get me moving, which could be anything from slow R&B or Dance Rap( which I call all rap songs that is dedicated to getting a dance started). I make my way to the closet as I hold my best friend in my hand (i.e.) my celephone and I check the weather online as I pull something out of my mound of clothes because no one believes in hangers. grab my book bag and make my way out the door heading off to work at either COSI or Accor whom Im currenetly employed with. After work Im in one of the four classes, where either I be on campus all day, then home or back to work because I am such a workaholic.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

New Blogs Linked From Main Page

I just created a blog for North Squad, ABM Officialz and Phaze 1Ne they you be somewhat ready to go by NEXT WEDNESDAY...and up dates will be as soon as I get new enjoy...

New Music On Main Page and iTunes

Added New Songs by Piff- Clockin and Ride Wit Me....I submitted my Podcast to iTunes so soon it will be posted on there. You can also find DC's SoundStage On, which soon I will posting individual playlists so they can be searched my the name and music....

Added A Podcast To Main Page

Right now I added Gwap Boyz- Do the Fool and NorthSquad - Phresh, To my Podcast which is also linked to Itunes...Soon I will be adding indivdual blogs, Bio Info, Pics and music will be added....

Hmmm...What Next

SO....this is getting bigger than I thought Yay for the emails coming

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

A New Twist

This project is definately UNDER CONSTRUCTION....after sending out my email to various artists in Ohio I have a lot to add to this page keep an EYE open cause I'm sooning wanna create magic and again Thanks Everyone For The Support....


Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Assistance Needed

Hola, My name is Destiny Chanel currently I'm a senior at The Ohio State University, and soon will be graduating in June. The reason I'm taking up your time is that I am currently taking this blogging and podcasting class. My focus is to spread the word on local Hip-Hop artists in the state of ohio, but at the same time I want to help promote anyone whoever wants to be heard.
***********This is all FREE of charge*************, its just me trying to do what I love.

Aside from all this artistist promotion my goal is to keep everyone informed of Hip-Hop culturally by not only keeping everyone connected to the future of Hip-Hop but the past. If at all you are still interested in helping me out with my project, in return Im helping out promoting you, so everyone locally can keep up-to-date with who is doing what in your current cities.

I am personally going to attend shows whenever possible between school and work, let me know and I'll be there, because its not fair to support what I never seen or heard that's not me. If you still with me after reading this shoot me and email at

Please include at least your name, bio infoe, group members names, where you represent, is the main things. Pics, show dates, music is optional, and a list of and links to music sites where everyone can hear your music. After emailing it would be nice you shoot me a text saying you did so I hit you back, also a good way to shoot me show dates. Nothing is used without your consent.

Thanks and Hope Too Hear From
everyone soon.

---Destiny Chanel

(AOL) dnique030607
(CEL) 614-592-8742 (TEXT ONLY)

Monday, April 14, 2008


If I know its not a real opportunity I wouldn't take my time to post and let the world know. Through one of my best friends I was able to get to know a group called D.R.E.E.M, it seems me and D.R.E.E.M, have been friends for a minute and I am feeling there music, so if you are like me and my girl you will check out there page listen to some sounds, drop them some comments because no can improve without some feedback. If then you are convinced check out this contest and see if you make the cut for there video, GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!!!!



1. Come up with a dance for the first single from the Dcology Vol. 2 album "Show Me ft.

Videotape it and post it on Youtube. com Named "Show Me Dance"
3. Email your info to with all of your contact info.

4. Send us a message on the D.R.E.E.M. Productions myspace page with the link.
(myspace. com/dreemonline)
5. All entrys must be submitted by 11:59pm April 30th.

6. There is NO limit on the amount of videos or dances you can submit.

7. We are only accepting original dances. Any non-original dances wll be disqualified.

8. Contestants must be at least 18 years of age or have their parents consent.

9. The winner will be flown to Atlanta to meet Einstein and D.C.

The winner will also be in the "Show Me" video
10. View the D.R.E.E.M. Productions page daily to see if you are the winner.




Looks like for anyone who whats to get there music out there in places such as Walmart, ITunes and any local and major record stores is offering an helping hand, if you interested email me at or click on the title of this blog which will take you directly to Mr. Get Right's page on MySpace for more information.

Hosted By: Mr Get Right
When: Sunday Apr 20, 2008
at 7:00 PM
United States
Mr Get Right

Hip Hop Announcement in the Cleveland Area

As I was checking my updates on my MySpace page there has been an announcement that The Ohio Hip-Hop Awards coming this year is searching for interns and sales reps. email 4 more info. This is a great opportunity to make contacts, I personally tried to go after but due to school and work. Hit up Majestic and get your stuff together because I believe interview will be conducted soon and its gonna be a great experience hit me up for more info....

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

MySpace Madness


To make things simpler I decided to organize my friends list who consist of people who are close to me, upcoming hiphop artist, and random people its hard to organize everyone one. I wonder if I can get all 255 people organized so I can find people easier, for you and me.....we will see. It looks like to many friends is not a good

In The Making......

Everytime I start one of these I never finish, due to school and work. I guess there is no excuse anymore since this is for class. 
I want this blog to be more than my thoughts on the music and trends that I admire. I want to try and reach out to those up and coming artists in Ohio that is trying to make a name for themselves. I titled the DC's SoundStage of my invitation to all artists to step up to the mic, and let your voices be heard. It can be a song, a poem, a picture, any type of art form, your choices are endless. This blog will be more than me its everyone who want to get there names out there, O-HI-O STAND UP.....