Thursday, May 15, 2008

Comment-GQ on the EQ

I went ahead to check more into this music innovation and I first think its a nice asset to a party, I find it wierd that the cube knows what I want and like. They are advertising this cube as a mind reader of the century, creepy. The aliens are definiatley on earth and they found away into our technology, they are messing with our minds, through music...whoo

Monday, May 12, 2008

DC Beginnings

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Hola, People I Want You To Meet My Girl DC. Me and DC Met Back In 2005, I don't even know if she went to Ohio State at the time but hey, we became friends. I sometimes get confused for me and her are so much alike and not so at the same time. Well one day I was sitting in my dorm and I wanted to do something other than study, when my suitemates suggested we go to a club. Quickly I jumped in and said I really don't go out I am not the club type. Of course everyone wanted me to go, but Domonique don't club she studies, so I cant be out seen with these crazy girls, so what did I do I created an alias. Her name is Destiny Chanel and she started out to be just a name I told random people I didn't want to know my real name especially online but she grew more than that. What separates us is I guess our confidence levels she thinks too much of herself, and feels she can do and be everything and when she goes out everything has to perfect, where I just go with the flow. I am book smart and she is business minded. Oh yeah her hair can get a little out of hand too.

Wow is all I can say. Why don't she tone it down some some people don't need to see all those colors but it is cute. Get back on track knowing getting to know Destiny more each I day, I think working with her will allow me to achieve some of the things I have in mind for the future that's only if her ego don't get the best of her. I want to be the doctor and she once the to be the entertainment journalist. Two different fields, so you already know whom my family wants to follow there dream more. She has big dreams but do I really wanna be a part of those dreams, let me lay here and think.

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Comment - JC and Me

I had to check the site out and I find it just funny some of the answers I received, what kind of person takes time to create something like this.....

Comment- The Lamb Of God

I couldn't agree more, no matter whatever problems i have with myself as well as others I strive each day to hold my head up high and smile in the face of evil, for I make my own decisions, and I have decided to pray, love, and live.

Comment - Creative Community

I think that would be a great idea, I believe alot a people would dig that. A place where everyone can work on there stuff who necessarily not from the same area, genius idea.

Comment - SXOT

I totally agree about how artists do take art further than needed, and that every issue should not have to be presented so serious, I personally like to see things not so straight forward at times, I wish you the best and maybe you can be the one to shut up the critics who think art should only portrayed one way.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Comment for -Year of Hope

I definitely feel about the things most people miss who are in their cars. I ride the bus a lot of places because I am cheap and don't wanna pay for gas, but I notice a lot of the tearing down of buildings of purpose to put up things we don't need any more of such as your fast food restaurants and bars...what is the world going to.